Delta Language Schools

Education is a shared commitment of dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. Education is an opportunity. Now, download the school and school bus app.

Why choose us?

Today, we provide the skills to solve real-world problems through lifelong learning.

Professional Instructors
We provide students with professional instructors as we know that our success comes from our students’ success.
Blended Learning
We understand that students learn in different ways. We provide different opportunities for educators' engagement using digital engagement tools, which make learning more fun.
Interactive Classes
Teachers track the student's progress in the assignments, improve the student's interest in the learning process and make the student feel motivated.

All tools in one platform

Contact, chat, have fun and learn through our educational platform.

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New Academic Year (2023-2024)

We are working efficiently to provide an interactive and engaging learning environment in which a team of highly trained teachers provide quality teaching in well- equipped buildings to address the needs of our students.

Our Recent News


Delta Language Schools


Delta Language Schools

Core belief
Talented and Highly Qualified tutors are ready for help.

Professional tutors believe in the ability of all students to meet high expectations through encouragement and tenacity in providing meaningful support.